
Showing posts from July, 2022

Calling All Portuguese Speakers

Precisamos muito de recrutar alunos para este viagem que falem portugues.  Caso contrario, teremos problemas quando chegarmos ao Brasil. If you can read that, then this trip is definitely for you.  PLEASE.  We need you.  We need students who can speak Portuguese to sign up for this trip.  I have been trying to learn for the past three months.  It is not going well.  Duolingo is worthless.  My husband even paid $89 for a subscription to Babbel.  It's just not going well.  The most helpful thing I have done is watch multiple episodes of Peppa Pig in Portuguese on YouTube.  That's about the right level for me.  They speak clearly and don't speak too fast and their vocabulary is limited.  Yes, I have been demoted to the level of a three year old. We are going to need some students who can speak for us.  If you served a mission to Brazil - or if you were born in Brazil and really wanted to attend nursing school in the states - or if your parents are Brasilian and raised you spea

Lagoina de Leste

 I'm planning on taking the students on a hike to Lagoina de Leste.  Lake of the East.  The hike starts at a trailhead and goes over a hill to the beach.  It takes less than an hour but it's steep up and then down.  The beach is so beautiful.  It feels remote because you have to get there by this hike so it's not very populated.  I would say that it's one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen, but all the beaches in Floripa fit that description and I feel like I'm going to start repeating myself.  But it really is beautiful.  My daughter started collecting shells.  We had brought tuna salad and bread for lunch but forgot a spoon so we used a shell to scoop up the tuna salad.   Once at the beach, there is a steep hike up to a crown of boulders above the beach.  It's a little strenuous - especially when all you feel like doing is lying on the beach and letting the waves lap your toes - but it's completely worth it.  The view is unmatched.   Instead