The Global Review

 I just became aware that SUU publishes a journal every year called The Global Review.  I'm not sure how this has escaped my attention until now.  I encourage you to go to the website listed below and read it their latest issue.  It's great.  It makes me all excited to do our own trip.  I've never participated in a student trip like this, much less led one, and I am nervous.  Reading The Global Review calms those nerves.

When we are on our trip, I am going to have you participate in writing some reflection pieces.  I will do them as well.  Journaling on a trip is always a valuable experience.  I am a huge journaler.  Whenever I go on what I think will be an important trip, I get a separate book and keep a journal of the trip aside from my regular journal.  I really like to read those trip journals and relive my experiences.  So be prepared, there will be some enforced journaling during our trip.  I am going to try to convince you to submit some of your experiences to The Global Review when we get back.  We will be famous.


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