
Showing posts from October, 2022

Spouses and significant others

 Okay.  SheriDawn and Sierra and I have been talking.  We think that there may be some room to take spouses/significant others.  Perhaps.  It all depends on how many people we have sign up for the trip.  If we get 20 people then there won't be any room for extras.  But if we get 10-19 people then we would probably have room.   A couple issues.   The cost of the trip fully applies to the spouse as well as the nursing student.  That means if there are two of you coming, the trip cost is $3041.00.  Also, if the spouse/significant other is not an SUU student, they will need to pay an extra $200 fee to the Study Abroad office.   You also need to consider what they will do on the trip.  We will be doing some clinical nursing activities which they may or may not be able to participate in.  They probably would not be able to participate in the lab simulation but they would (probably) be able to participate in the health education activities.  I know it's difficult because we don't


 This whole post is about getting a passport.   YOU NEED A PASSPORT.  THE END. Do not put it off.  The government is taking a long time to do things these days and I do not want you to be left out because you put off getting it until April.   Have I used enough italics in this post?   I think so.  Get your passport.

Signing up for the trip

The application for the trip is live!  Please visit to sign up. Their website is a little weird, you have to search for the program.  Under SUBJECT, enter "Nursing" and then under COUNTRY, enter "Brazil" and then it should pull it up as the first option. The deadline to sign up is January 15.  When you apply, you are required to pay $300 (so we know you are serious about going) which gets applied to the cost of the trip.   SheriDawn and Sierra and I met today to talk about the trip.  We are so excited and can't wait to see who signs up!

Trip cost

 Okay, let's get down to the nitty gritty.  How much is this trip going to cost?? Well, that depends.  The trip is listed by the Office of Learning Abroad as costing $1520.50.  However, there are a few caveats to that. Numero Um.  The more students we get to come, the less the cost will be that you have to actually pay.  There are certain fixed costs to the trip, and the more students who are paying for those, the less the trip is for each individual student.  Right now, the trip costs are based on ten students coming.  If we have less than ten students sign up, it is doubtful - although not impossible - that we will be able to go.  For every students over ten that goes, however, the cost goes down.  The maximum number of students that can sign up is twenty.  If we have twenty students, the cost will go down for each student by a few hundred dollars. ****INSERT*****  Okay the Study Abroad office says that this is incorrect information.  I am not allowed to decrease the cost of the