Spouses and significant others

 Okay.  SheriDawn and Sierra and I have been talking.  We think that there may be some room to take spouses/significant others.  Perhaps.  It all depends on how many people we have sign up for the trip.  If we get 20 people then there won't be any room for extras.  But if we get 10-19 people then we would probably have room.  

A couple issues.  

The cost of the trip fully applies to the spouse as well as the nursing student.  That means if there are two of you coming, the trip cost is $3041.00.  Also, if the spouse/significant other is not an SUU student, they will need to pay an extra $200 fee to the Study Abroad office.  

You also need to consider what they will do on the trip.  We will be doing some clinical nursing activities which they may or may not be able to participate in.  They probably would not be able to participate in the lab simulation but they would (probably) be able to participate in the health education activities.  I know it's difficult because we don't have nailed down completely what we will be doing in the clinical setting.  And it's also an option that they can just hang out at the AirBnb/relax on the beach/do their own thing while we are doing clinical nursing stuff if they don't want to participate.

We are keeping a list of spouses/significant others who want to come on the trip.  If you have someone to add to the list, tell me.  If there is room, we are going to offer spots according to when they indicated they were interested - a first come, first served.  


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