Travel dates

 A word about travel dates.  We will be leaving on Tuesday, May 2 - which  means we will be arriving in Florianopolis on May 3.  If you choose to purchase a cheap ticket that takes you all around the world with multiple layovers, you may need to leave earlier than that in order to arrive on May 3.  The point is, you need to arrive in Florianopolis on May 3.  I don't care what time.  As long as everyone is there, having had a good night sleep, ready to go the morning of May 4.  

We are planning to leave Florianopolis on May 11 and return to Home Sweet Home on May 12.  There will not be any activities planned on May 11.  You can take whichever flight you want.  The last activities we will have will be planned for May 10.  

The Study Abroad office is not letting me, SheriDawn, and Sierra purchase our airline tickets until after January 15.  We will hopefully be getting them soon after that and we will let you know just in case you want to be on the same flights as us.  We are fun.  We wouldn't blame you if you want to be on the same flights.  


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